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[학술심포지엄] 고려대학교-홍콩중문대학교 공동주최 심포지엄

작성자 사진: 병선 방병선 방

주제: New Subjects and Approaches to Art Historical Research in

Korea and Hong Kong

시기: 2024년 8월 2일 금요일 09시

장소: 홍콩중문대학교 N LT, Y. C. Liang Hall


1. 홍콩중문대학교

  • Intersecting Vernacular Arts and Visual Modernity

    : Murals and Postcards in Early 20th-Century Swatow, China

  • Picturing the Atemporality: Illustrations in Mount Luofu Gazetteers in the Late Ming Dynasty

  • Circulation and Art History Writing: The Development of Chinese Painting Studies in China (1911-1937)

2. 고려대학교

  • The Feast Culture of the Goryeo Court and Celadon Wine Vessels

  • Literati Taste as Reflected in Floral Patterns on White Porcelain from the Late Joseon Dynasty

  • Buncheong Cover Excavated from Joseon Royal Family’s Taesil (Placenta Chamber) during the Reign of King Sejong

    (r. 1418–1450)

  • The Significance and Use of Chinese Decorative Pattern Book Produced in Britain in the 19th Century

  • The Introduction and Impact of Tunnel Kilns in the Japanese Ceramic Industry during the Early 20th Century

*하단의 포스터를 클릭하시면 홈페이지에서 자료집을 다운하실 수 있습니다.

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Korea University Sejong Campus 2511 Sejong-ro, Sejong City, 30019, KOREA

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